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Lecture Handout
Introduction to Programming
Lecture No. 26

Reading Material

Deitel & Deitel - C++ How to Program     Chapter. 6
6.5, 6.7, 6.8, 6.10, 6.11, 6.14

• Classes and Objects
• Definition of a class
• Separation of Interface from the Implementation
• Structure of a class
• Sample program
• Constructor
• Default arguments with constructors
• Tips

Classes and Objects
In today’s lecture, we will try to learn about the concepts of ‘classes’ and ‘objects’.
However, we are not going to formally cover the object-oriented programming but only
the ways to manipulate the classes and objects.

We had talked about structures in our previous lectures. In structures, some data variables
are gathered, grouped and named as a single entity. Class and structure are very closely
related. In classes, we group some data variables and functions. These functions normally
manipulate these variables.
Before going ahead, it is better to understand what a class is:

 “A class includes both data members as well as functions to manipulate that data”

These functions are called ‘member functions’. We also call them methods. So a class has
data (the variables) and functions to manipulate that data. A class is a ‘user defined’ data
type. This way, we expand the language by creating a new data type. When we create
variables of a class, a special name is used for them i.e. Objects.

 “Instances of a class are called objects”

With the definition of class, we have a new data type like int, char etc. Here int i; means
‘i’ is an instance of data type int. When we take a variable of a class, it becomes the
instance of that class, called object.

Definition of a class
Let’s have a look on the structure of a class. It is very similar to the struct keyword.
Keyword class is used and the braces enclose the definition of the class i.e.
 class name_of_class{

  // definition of class

The new data type i.e. classes helps us to have grouped data members and member
functions to manipulate the data. Consider a structure of Date having data members i.e.
year, month and day. Now we can declare a variable of structure Date and use dot
operator to access its members i.e.

 Date myDate;

We have to use the name of the object, a dot operator and the data member of structure to
be accessed. The data members are of normal data types like int, float, char etc. Other
data types can also be used.

Let’s consider an example of Date Class shown in the following statement.

 class Date{

  int Day;
  int month;
  int year;

Now we will take its object in the fashion given below:

 Date myDate;

Separation of Interface from the Implementation
To access the data members of the class, we will again use dot operator. Before going
ahead, we will see what is the difference between struct and class. It is the visibility of
the data members that differentiates between struct and class. What does the word
‘visibility’ mean? Consider an example of payroll system. We have stored the tax rate i.e.
5% in a variable i of type int. Later, we used the same i in a loop and changed the value
of tax rate unintentionally. Now the calculation of the pay in the end will not provide the
correct results. To avoid this problem, we can tag the tax rate variable as int tax_rate;. But this variable again is visible in the whole program and anyone can change its value.
The data is open and visible to every part of the program, creating a big problem.
In normal programming, we will like to see the data encapsulated. It means that data is
hidden somewhere. However, it can be used. Let’s consider a real world problem to
understand it. Most of us have wrist-watches. To have accuracy, it is necessary to adjust
the time. How can we do that? We can change the time by using the button that is
provided on one side of the watch. This is a kind of encapsulation. We can see the hands
of the watch but cannot touch them. To change their position we used the button.
Whenever we talk about the class, we have to think of this concept that data is available
somewhere. We don’t need to know about the exact structure i.e. what is inside the
watch. All we know is that its internal structure is defined somewhere that cannot be seen
or touched. We can only see its interface. If we need to adjust the time, a button may be
used. It is a nice separation of implementation and interface. Classes allow us to do that.

Structure of a class
Let’s have a look inside a class. Consider the example of class Date. Can we set the
values of the data members of the object ‘myDate’ i.e. day, month or year. We cannot say
like myDate.month = 11;. Try to do this. The compiler will give error and stop compiling
the program. It will not recognize the variable ‘month’. In other words, it cannot see
‘month’. The default visibility for the data members of the class is called ‘private’. These
can only be used within the class and are not visible outside.

 “The default visibility of all the data members and member function of a class is
   hidden and private”

‘private’ is also a keyword. What will be the opposite of the private? What we will have
to do to use the data members and manipulate them. The keyword for this purpose is
public. In the class definition, if you do not mention the visibility and start defining the
data and functions, these will be by default private. As a good programmer, we should
always write the keyword private with a colon as:


Now all the data and functions following this statement will have the private visibility.
To define the public data, we need to write the keyword public with a colon as:


Now all the data and functions following the public keyword will have the public
visibility. These will be visible from outside the class. We can have multiple public and
private parts in the class definition but it becomes confusing. So normally we have only
one public and one private part. Again consider the Date example. By making the data
members as private, we will write functions to set and get the date. As this is needed to be
visible from outside the class, these functions will be defined as public.

class Date
   // private data and functions
   // public data and functions

Normally, the data in a class is kept private. If we make the data public, it is same as
structure and anyone can access this data. On the other hand, the functions which we
have written to manipulate this data, are kept as public. These methods can be called
from outside the class i.e. from the main program. These are the member functions of the
class. The difference between these and the ordinary functions is that they are part of
class. Moreover, they can see the private data members of the class and also manipulate

We have made the data members private in the Date class. In the program, we take an
object of Date class as Data myDate;. myDate is a variable of type Date. Now if we say
myDate.month = 3; this statement will be illegal as the month is a private data member of
the Date class. Now try to understand this concept. You can think class as a box having
different things in it. How can we touch inside the box? We have a window and can see
only those things that are visible through this window. Those things which we cannot see
from the window, can not be accessed from outside. Day, month and year are somewhere
inside the box and are not visible through the window. Now we want to assign some
values to these data members. For this purpose, we will define a member function in the
class in the public section. Being present in public section, it will be visible through the
window. As this is the member function, it can see and manipulate the private data of the
class. Now it’s a two-step process. We can see the public functions and public functions
can view the private data members of the class. We will write a function to set the value
to the month. We cannot write it as myDate.month = 10;. So our function prototype will
be as:

 void setMonth(int month)

and we may call this function as:


Now the function setMonth will assign the value 10 to month data member of the object
myDate. The same thing will be applicable if we want to print the date. We can write a
public function print and can access it as:


The function print can see the private data members. So it will format the date and print
it. In structures, the data members are public by default. It means that these are visible to
all and anyone can change them. Is there any disadvantage of this? Think about the date. What may be the valid values of the day? Can we have a day less than zero or greater
than 32. So the minimum and maximum values of the day are 1 and 31 respectively.
Similarly, in case of month, the minimum and maximum values may be 1 and 12. We can
assign different values to year like 1900, 2002 etc. If we are using Date structure instead
of a class, we can write in the program as myDate.month=13; and the month will be set
to 13. So the date will become invalid. We may want that other programmers also use this
structure. But other programmers may put invalid values to the data-member as these are
publicly accessible. Similarly in structures, everything is visible i.e. what are the names
of the data members. How are these manipulated?

Now we want that only those things should be visible which we want to show and those
things which we want to hide should not be visible We can get this by using the private
and public in the classes. Public becomes the interface of the class, what we want to show
to others. With the use of public interface, the objects can be manipulated. Private
becomes the inside of the class i.e. the data members, the implementation. We don’t want
to show the implementation of our classes to others. This is the concept of separation of
interface from implementation. It is a crucially important concept in modern
programming. We have separated the interface from the implementation. As long as the
interface remains the same, the implementation can be changed. Let’s think about it in
real world. The example from the automobiles sector can help us understand further. The
production of cars in the world started in the late 18
 century and early 19
 century. Let’s
compare these early or prototype cars with today’s modern ones. There is a big difference
between the old and new cars. Technology has changed. Now what is still common in
both the types. Steering, clutch, brakes and accelerator pads are still the basic components
of a car. So the interface is same. The internal functionality can be changed. To turn the
car, old cars used rod mechanisms and modern cars have the microprocessor to do this
job. Our physical action is same in both the cases. The interface i.e. steering is same and
also the effect that wheels have turned to right is the same too. The internal
implementation has completely changed. The old combustion engine cannot be compared
with the state-of-the technology based modern engines. But the interface is the same i.e.
we turn the key to start an engine. This concept of separation of implementation from
interface comes into our programming. We have written a program today to calculate the
orbital time of moon around the earth. In today’s physics, we have formula to calculate
this. We have defined the interface calculateOrbitalTime(). This is a function that will
calculate the orbital time of moon around earth. This formula may prove wrong after
some time. Now what can we do? Despite the change in the implementation, interface
remains the same i.e. the name of the function is same. Now when the program will use
this function, it gets the correct result as we have implemented the new formula inside the
function. Moreover, the main program does not need to be changed at all. Being a very
neat concept, it can be used while dealing with objects and classes.

Sample program
Let’s see the example of Date class in detail.

class Date
   void display();
   Date(int, int, int);
   int day, month, year;

Date is the name of new user defined data type. After the braces, we have written the
keyword public. In this section, we will define the interface of the class. We have
declared a function display() which will print the date on the screen. Another function
Date(int day, int month, int year) is declared. The name of this function is same as the
name of the class, having no return type. This function is called constructor. Then we
write the keyword private and define the implementation  of the class. Here we have three
variables i.e. day, month and year of type int. In the end closing braces and the semicolon.
the definition of user
i.e. class.
It will
not occupy

space as
data currently.
the same
in case
we say
the memory

is a ‘user
Now in
our program,
we write Date
is created
i.e. an object.
in the

will have these data members. What about the ‘functions’? For a moment, we can say
that functions are also in the memory.

We want to use this class in our program and display the date using the display()
function. We have written the prototype of the display() function in the class without
defining the display() function yet. A special way is used to define these functions. We
will write the name of the class, followed by two colons and the name of the function.
The rest is same as we used to do with ordinary functions.

  // the definition of the function
  cout << “The date is “ << day << “-“ << month << “-“ << year << endl;

You might have noted the difference in the first line. The double colon is called scope
resolution operator. It resolves the scope and tells that this function belongs to whom. In
this case, the ( Date::display()) ) tells that the display() function belongs to the Date class.
So the scope resolution is required. In a way, consider it as function is defined inside the
class. If you have private function, even then the definition mechanism is same. We will
define the function outside of the class. Even then it will not be visible as its visibility is
private. The way to define the member functions is, class name, double colon, name of
the function including arguments and then the body of the function. Can we define the
function inside the class? Yes we can. When we write the function inside the class, the
compiler tries to treat that function as inline function. As a good programming practice,
we define the functions outside of the class. So to make sure that the function belongs to
the class, the scope resolution operator is used.

We have so far tried to discuss Date class at a rudimentary level. That is we can create
objects of Date class and display the date using its functions. We can do a lot of other
things with this class. When we say int i; and ask to print its value. The answer is that we
have not assigned any value to it yet and don’t know what will be there at that memory
location. Similarly, when we declare an object of the Date class as Date myDate; an
object is created. But we don’t know about the values of day, month and year. Now if we
call its public function display() using the dot operator as myDate.display(). It will print
whatever the value is in the data  members. We need functions to set/change the date.
Suppose we want to set the day, the month and the year separately. For this purpose, we
need three more public functions. We can name these functions as setDay(int ),
setMonth(int) and setYear(int). These functions may be called inside the program as
myDate.setDay(15), myDate.setMonth(12) and setYear(2002). These functions will
change the value of day, month and year. As these are member functions, so scope
resolution operator is being used.

 void Date::setDay(int i)
  day = i;

 void Date::setMonth(int i)
  month = i;

 void Date::setYear(int i)
  year = i;

The question arises, which objects data members are being set. In the setDay function, we
are assigning value to the day. But this day belongs to which object. The answer is, we
have just defined the function, it is not called yet. The functions are called by the objects,
not by the class. When we say Date myDate; it means that we have an object of type
Date. Now we can say myDate.setDay(10). The value of day of myDate object will be set
to 10. When we create objects, these will reserve space in memory. Suppose, the objects
are date1, date2, date3. These will be created at different memory locations having there
own data members. When we call a member function with the object name, this function
will manipulate the data of this object. Let’s consider the following code snippet to
understand it.

  Date date1, date2, date3;
  // Manipulating date1 object

  // Manipulating date2 object

We have declared three objects of type Date. All these objects have data members day,
month and year. When we call a function, that is defined in class, with some object name,
it uses the data of that object which is calling the function. Suppose, when we write
date1.setMonth(12); it will manipulate the data of object date1. Similarly when we say
date2.display(), the function is defined inside the class. However, it will use the data of
date2 object. Remember that we will always call these member functions by referring to
some specific object. We can call these functions with date1, date2 or date3 respectively.
We will never call these functions referring to a class that is we cannot say
Date.display(); It is illegal. The functions of getting data from objects and setting data of
objects are standard. So we normally use the word ‘set’ for setting the data and ‘get’ for
getting the data. It is a matter of style. You can call it whatever you want. But it will be a
bad idea to name a function print() and it is setting the value of month. It will work but in
a very confused manner. If we want to write a function to set month, the logical choice of
the function name is setMonth(int). Similarly, setDay(int) and setYear(int) will be used to
set the day and year respectively. If we want to get the values of these data members, the
logical choice will be getDay(), getMonth() and getYear(). The names are selfexplanatory.
class. They

public section
and constitute
the public
of the class.

be visible
from outside
data that is hidden
i.e. in the
of the class. No need
show the
of the

its name,
of the


is the complete
of the

/* A sample program with the Date class. Set methods are given to set the day, month and
year.The date is also diplayed on the screen using member function. */

#include <iostream.h>

// defining the Date class
class Date{
    // interface of the class
        void display();        // to display the date on the screen
        void setDay(int i);    // setting the day 
        void setMonth(int i);  // setting the month
        void setYear(int i);   // setting the year   

    // hidden part of the class
        int day, month, year; 

// The display function of the class date
void Date::display()
 cout << "The date is " << day << "-" << month << "-" << year << endl;
// setting the value of the day
void Date::setDay(int i)
 day = i;

// setting the value of the month
void Date::setMonth(int i)
 month = i;

// setting the value of the year
void Date::setYear(int i)
 year = i;
// Main program. We will take two date objects, set day, month, year and display the date.
int main()
    Date date1,date2;   // taking objects of Date class
    // setting the values and displaying
    // setting the values and displaying

The output of the program is:
The date is 1-1-2000
The date is 10-12-2002

We have written a function named Date(int, int, int) in our class. This is in the public
section of our class. It has no return type, having the name as that of class. Such functions
are called constructors. When we create an object by writing Date myDate; A function is
invisibly called which does something with this object. This function is constructor. If we
do not write a constructor, C++ writes a default constructor for us. By and large, we want
that the object should be created in a certain state. When our object myDate is created its
data members-day, month and year have some value.  We can initialize these data
members with zero or with some specific date. How can we do that? Native data types
can be initialized as:

 int i;
 i = 10;
 int i = 10;

Generally, a constructor initializes the object into a state that is recognizable and
acceptable. The default constructor does not take any parameter. We can have many
constructors of a class by overloading them. The constructor for Date class is:

 Date(int, int, int);

This is the prototype of the constructor that is defined in the class. The definition of
constructor is same as we used with the member functions.

 Date::Date(int theDay, int theMonth, int theYear)
  day = theDay;
  month = theMonth;
  year = theYear;

How can we call this constructor? We know that constructor is automatically called when
an object is created. To use this constructor, we will take an object as:

 Date myDate(1, 1 , 2003);

Here two things have taken place. 1) An object is created 2) The data members are
initialized. This is happening in the memory at run time. Nothing will happen at compile
time. The constructor will be called after the object creation and before the control given
back to the program. Here the value of day of the myDate object is 1, the value of month is 1 and the value of year is 2003. It has created and initialized an object. Now if we call
the display() function. These values will be displayed. Constructor is used to initialized
an object and put it into a consistent and valid state.

Default arguments with constructors
We can also use the default arguments with the constructors. In the case of Date,
normally the days and months are changing and the year remains same for one year. So
we can give the default value to year.

 Date::Date(int theDay, int theMonth, int theYear = 2002)
  // The body of the constructor

Now we have different ways of creating objects of class Date.

 Date myDate;

In this case, the default constructor will be called while the data members remain un-

 Date myDate(1, 1, 2000);

The constructor will be called and initialized. The day will be 1, month will be 1 and the
year will be 2000.

 Date myDate(1, 1);

The constructor will be called and initialized. The day will be 1, month will be 1 and the
year will be initialized to the default value i.e. 2002.

There are some complications. Constructor is itself a function of C++ and can be
overloaded. We can have many constructors. Suppose, we are asked to write the date i.e.
1, 1, 2000. Some of us may write it as 1, 1, 2000. Some will write it as 1/1/2000. A
considerable number may write as 1-1-2000. One can write date as 1 Jan. 2000. There
may have many formats of dates. It will be nice if we can initialize the object using any
of these formats. So we may have a constructor which takes a character string. The date
format is ’01-Jan-2003’. So the constructor should parse the string. The string before the
hyphen is day (i.e. 01) convert it into an integer and assign it to day. Again get the strings
before the 2
 hyphen (i.e. Jan), check which month is it (i.e. 1) and assign it to month.
Rest of the string is year so convert it into integer and assign it to year. We are doing a lot
of horizontal integration here. The good thing is that the rules of simple functions
overloading applies to constructors also. The rules of default arguments also apply while
we are using default arguments with constructors. The idea is to make the class as
friendly as possible for the users. We have two constructors. Of these, one takes three ints
and the other takes the date as a character string. We may want to add more constructors. But we don’t want to add too many constructors in the class as there is a limit of
everything. Within limits and the reasons, provision of two to three alternatives to the
users of the class for object creation is nice. May be the program that is using our class, is
applying months as character strings. We should provide a constructor that deals with
this. We will further explain this subject in the coming lectures. A constructor is a special
kind of function having same name as that of a class. It has no return type. Declare it
without return type. Constructor can take arguments. The default constructor takes no
Here is the code of the Date class using the different constructors.

A sample program with the Date class. Use of constructors is shown here.

#include <iostream.h>
//#include <stdlib.h>

// defining the Date class
class Date{
    // interface of the class
        void display();        // to display the date on the screen
        void setDay(int i);    // setting the day 
        void setMonth(int i);  // setting the month
        void setYear(int i);   // setting the year   
        int getDay();          // getting the value of day   
        int getMonth();        // getting the value of month   
        int getYear();         // getting the value of year   
        // Constructors of the class
        Date(int, int, int);
    // hidden part of the class
        int day, month, year; 

// defining the constructor
// default constructor. setting the date to a default date

    day = 1;
    month = 1;
    year = 1900;

// Constructors with default arguments

Date::Date(int theDay, int theMonth, int theYear = 2002)
 day = theDay;
 month = theMonth;
 year = theYear;

// The display function of the class date
void Date::display()
 cout << "The date is " << getDay() << "-" << getMonth() << "-" << getYear() <<
// setting the value of the day
void Date::setDay(int i)
 day = i;

// setting the value of the month
void Date::setMonth(int i)
 month = i;

// setting the value of the year
void Date::setYear(int i)
 year = i;
// getting the value of the day
int Date::getDay()
 return day;

// getting the value of the month
int Date::getMonth()
 return month;
 // getting the value of the year
int Date::getYear()
 return year;

// Main program. We will take three date objects using constructors, and display the date.
int main()
    Date date1, date2(1, 1, 2000), date3(10,12);   // taking objects of Date class
    // displaying the dates on the screen


The output of the program is:
The date is 1-1-1900
The date is 1-1-2000
The date is 10-12-2002

A class is a user defined data type. It has data members and member functions. Normally
member functions are called methods. Data members are generally kept as private. The
member functions, used to manipulate the data members, are kept public so that these are
visible from outside the class. The public part of the class is known as the interface of the
class. It may contain data members and functions but normally we put functions as
public. The member functions can manipulate the data members (public and private) of
the class. Non-member functions can not see or access the private part of the class. We
try to separate the implementation of the class from its interface.

• Explicitly write keyword private in the class definition
• Separate the interface and implementation
• The default constructor has no arguments
• Constructor has the same name as of class
• The data members of the class are initialized at runtime
• Initializing the data members in the definition of the class is a syntax error .

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