CS 101 Introduction to Computing
Session -1
Please read the following instructions carefully before
attempting any of the questions:
1. The
duration of this examination is 1.5 hours.
2. This
examination is closed book, closed notes, closed neighbors; any one found
cheating will get zero grade in the
course CS101 Introduction to Computing.
3. Answer all questions.
a. There is no choice.
b. You
will have to correctly
answer all questions in this examination
to receive the maximum possible marks.
4. Unless stated
otherwise, all questions carry two marks. Each MCQ has 5 choices.
5. Do not ask any
questions about the contents of this
examination from anyone.
a. If
you think that there is something wrong with any of the questions, attempt it to the best of your understanding.
b. If
you believe that some essential piece of information is missing,
make an appropriate assumption and use it to solve the problem.
Most, but not all, of the examination consists of multiple-choice questions. Choose only one choice as your answer.
a. If
you believe that two (or more) of the
choices are the correct ones for a particular question, choose the best one.
b. On the other hand, if you believe that all
of the choices provided for a
particular question are the wrong ones, select the one that appears to you as
being the least wrong.
7. All Web development questions should be answered using the HTML
Q.No 1
An object
can be defined as
o Collection of integers and floats
o Collection o of integers and properties
o Collection of While loops and variables
Total Questions 25
o Combination of sequential
and conditional structures
Q.No 2
During the
integration and testing phase of software development life cycle
o User
documents the work that he thinks the system does
o Developer analyzes user's requirements, and perform further
investigation to write the specifications for the system
o Bring the subsystem
together to form the systems and test them
o Detailed plan
specifying the required resources and
o Providing the feasibility of the system
Q.No 3
advantage of client side scripting is
o All browsers support it
o Decreases the complexity of web page
o Reduces network
o Increases server load
o User cannot see your code
Q.No 4
o Is the replacement of ledgers
o Is a replacement of encyclopedia
o Are not used for business calculations and charts
o Is a sub category of science,
engineering and graphics software
o Is a sub category of entertainment software.
Q.No 5
support systems are sometimes called
o Document-centered computing
o E-commerce software
o Electronic Encyclopedia
o Expert Systems
Q.No 6
ASP script
o A data base management system
o Not a server side script
o Linux based server script
o Window based server script
o Unix based server script
Q.No 7
that directly interact with the user
is called
o System software
o Application
o Low level languages
o Machine language
o Compilers
Q.No 8
In the AND
operation output is true if
o All input variables
have true state
o Some of the input variables
have true state
o None of the input variables
have true state
o All the input variables have false state
o Only one of the input has false state
Q.No 9
web pages
o Are also
called static web pages
o Are not understood by computers
o Are understood
by computers
o Are not the extension
of today's web pages
o Correct the semantics of the web page
Q.No 10
Two major
types of software are
o Application Software, System Software
o Application Software , Database Software
o System Software
, Database
o Database Software , Embedded Software
o Database Software
, Embedded Software
Q.No 11
Language that is understood by computer
hardware is called
o High level language
o Firmware
o Machine language
o Assembly language
o System software
Q.No 12
are made up of semiconductor material
o Aluminum
o Copper
o Ferrous oxide
o Silicon
o Silicon dioxide
Q.No 13
The following code will
My new Web Page
o Display
"My new Web Page " As a heading
on my Web page
o Display "My new Web
Page " On the title bar of
the browser
o Display "My new Web
Page " as a hyper link
o Make "My new Web Page " appear in bold letters
o Not display "My
new Web Page
Q.No 14
In an HTML
file, it is essential to have
o <Head> tag o </Body> tag o <Body> tag
o <B> tag
o None of above
Q.No 15
A unique
identifier for the location of a specific Web page is called a
o http://
Q.No 16
o Cannot search the entire web
o Are built to facilitate the scientists
o Make the list of images that are available on the net
o Search the news groups for the
required information
o Scan the entire web for the desired
Q.No 17
A web site
o Does not have a unique identifier
o Is accessible to limited user
o Is a collection of related documents
on the internet
o Is a place where we can only read information on the internet
o Is a place on the net where we can
only write information
Q.No 18
Tubes are
o Smaller
then transistors
o Developed for military applications
o Made up of two or more electrodes in a glass metal tube
o Used in IBM PC
o Invented by Tim Burners lee
Q.No 19
stands for
o Basic
American Standard Information Code
o Beginners All purpose Symbolic Instruction
o Brother and Sisters In Christ
o British American Scientific International Commercial
o Badminton
And Swimming Including Cycling
Q.No 20
o is an Object based Language
o is an interpreted language
o Both first and second
o is an Object-Oriented Language
o Both second and fourth
Q.No 21
World's first program was written by
o Charles Babbage o Alfred Tennyson o Ada Lovelace
o Bernouli
o Newton
Q.No 22
What would
be the output of the following Pseudo Code? (3 Marks)
x to 4
Initialize y to 1
Result to 0
While (y<=x)
Print Result
o 4
o 8
o 10
o 1
o None of the above
Q.No 23
binary number 100100 into equivalent Decimal number. (5 Marks)
Q.No 24
Write the truth table
for Boolean Expression. (5 Marks)
Z= x + (x. y)'
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