Lecture No.10              

o   There are situations where designer wants to return reference to current object from a function
o   In such cases reference is taken from this pointer like (*this)


Student Student::setRollNo(int aNo)
            return *this;
Student Student::setName(char *aName)
            return *this;


int main()
            Student aStudent;
            Student bStudent;

            bStudent = aStudent.setName(“Ahmad”);
            bStudent = aStudent.setName(“Ali”).setRollNo(2);

            return 0;

o   Public member functions exposed by a class are called interface.
o   Separation of implementation from the interface is good software engineering.
Benefits of separating interface and implementation:

Consider the example of following complex no. class, this complex no. class two forms of implementations one is new and one is old implementation you can observe that if you have separated interface and implementation then we can easily change implementation without changing interface,

o   There are two representations of complex number
·         Euler form
z = x + i y
·          Phasor form
z = |z| (cos q + i sin q)
z is known as the complex modulus and q is known as the complex argument or phase



class Complex{    //old
            float x;
            float y;
            void setNumber(float i, float j){
                        x = i;
                        y = j;


class Complex{ //new
            float z;
            float theta;
            void setNumber(float i, float j){
                        theta = arctan(j/i);


  1. User is only concerned about ways of accessing data (interface)
  2. User has no concern about the internal representation and implementation of the class

Separation of interface and implementation

In c++ generally we can relate the concept of interface of a class to its header (.h) file and and implementation of a class to its (.cpp) file. However it is not complete separation of interface and implementation.

·         Usually functions are defined in implementation file (.cpp) while the class definition is given in header file (.h)
·         Some authors also consider this as separation of interface and implementation


class Student{
            int rollNo;
            void setRollNo(int aRollNo);
            int getRollNo();

#include “student.h”

void Student::setRollNo(int aNo){
int Student::getRollNo(){

We only need to include header (.h) file in main.cpp to use the Student class as shown below,

Main.cpp  (main file to run the program)
#include “student.h”

int main(){
            Student aStudent;

Some functions in our programs are general purpose functions to show or access data, they are supposed to do read only tasks only however there are chances that they can change the state of data members of the class while accessing the data members due to programming mistake, c++ provides the solution of this problem using constant member functions.

We make those functions as constant who need only read only access (for example such functions that will only display data or will return the value of data members).
When we make them constant compiler generates an error if these functions try to change the value of data members of the class.

const Member Functions

Keyword const is placed at the end of the parameter list to make any function as constant.

Inside class
class ClassName{
            ReturnVal Function() const;

Outside class
ReturnVal ClassName::Function() const{

class Student{
            int getRollNo() const            {
                        return rollNo;

const Functions

  • Constant member functions cannot modify the state of any object
  • They are just “read-only”
  • Errors due to typing are also caught at compile time


Consider the function given below that is being used to check if roll no is equal to entered value if in this function we replace comparison statemtn == with assignment = statement it will compile correctly but whole code logic will change and we will get un expected result,

bool Student::isRollNo(int aNo){
            if(rollNo = = aNo){
                        return true;
            return false;


bool Student::isRollNo(int aNo){
            /*undetected typing mistake*/
            if(rollNo = aNo){
                        return true;
            return false;

But if we have implemented as constant then compiler will catch this error and will produce compile time error as shown below,


bool Student::isRollNo
                                                            (int aNo)const{
            /*compiler error*/
            if(rollNo = aNo){
                        return true;
            return false;

const Functions

Constructors and Destructors cannot be const because Constructors and destructors are used to modify the object to a well defined state or to clean the memory occupied by the object.


class Time{
            Time() const {}   //error…
            ~Time() const {}  //error…

const Function

  • Constant member function cannot change data member
  • We cannot call non constant functions in constant functions because non constant member functions may have code for changing state of the object that is not allowed in the constant functions.

class Student{
            char * name;
            char *getName();
            void setName(char * aName);
            int ConstFunc() const{
                        name = getName();   //error

As we know that when a class function is called an implicit this pointer is passed to tell the function about the object it has to operate same is true for constant function with the difference that it will bbe passed as constant pointer to const data in case of constant member functions so that this pointer can not be used now to change the value of data members of the object,

const Student *const this;
// In case of constant member functions

instead of

Student * const this;
// In case of ordinary member functions

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