current paper cs403 file 1 23 june spring 2018

CS 403 today Paper
Question 1 
Three types of relation based model 3 marks
Question 2
What is the output of the scenario
Customer. Name. Address

Cst 101 Ahmad Nadeem Lahore
CS 102 saqib Ali.
Pr I'd pr name. Customer id
Pr 101 shampoo. Cst 101
Pr 102. Soap. 3 marks
Question 3
Draw to relation student and course many to many relation 5 marks
Question 4
Map this XYY University offers many courses in department . One students select in many course and many courses we have and one student enrolled this course 5 marks

25 june 2018

Today's My CS403 paper ...
Mcqs 60% from past papers ... (18 Marks)
Subjective ...
Q1.. Out of 1st normalization form..
(3 marks )
Q2.. Minimum cardinality (3 marks)
Q3.. Explain schema and data application .. (5 marks)
Q4.. Draw ER data model  .. (5 marks )
Q5.. Ek table tha uski output likhni thi yaad nai wo table .. (5 marks)

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