In the light of given space matrix of XYZ company are the financial, industry, stability and competitive positions are as follows:-
Financial Position
As per given data (10+3+8)/3 = 21/3 = 7.0 it falls in quadrant 1 of the matrix and it depicts the high ratings. Its mean company have strong financial resources and have to adopt aggressive strategy while taking financial decisions.
Industry Position

As per given data (9+5+4)/3 = 18/3 = 6.0 it falls in quadrant 1 of the matrix and it depicts the high ratings. Its mean company have strong Industry resources and have to adopt aggressive strategy while taking Industry decisions.
Stability Position
As per given data (-3)+(-2)+(-4)/3 = -9/3 = -3 it falls in quadrant 2 of the matrix and it depicts the average ratings. Its mean company have conservative stability position and have to adopt defensive strategy while taking environmental stability decisions.
Competitive Position
As per given data (-2)+(-2)+(-5)/3 = -9/3 = -3 it falls in quadrant 2 of the matrix and it depicts the average ratings. Its mean company have conservative competitive position and have to adopt defensive strategy while taking environmental stability decisions.
As XYZ company is financial and industry wise strong in position and in medium in stability and competitive positions so the company have adopted  aggressive strategy.
Aggressive Strategy
Aggressive Strategy is a very essential variable of strategy formulation framework. XYZ company adopt aggressive strategy for maximize returns by taking a comparatively higher degree of risk.
Conservative strategy
Conservative strategy fall in quadrant 2 of strategy formulation framework. Conservative strategy that seeks to protect an investment portfolio's value by investing in lower risk securities such as fixed-income and money market securities, and often blue-chip or large-cap equities.
Defensive Strategy
Defensive strategy fall in quadrant 3 of strategy formulation framework. The company/ organization face many difficulties internal and external. The organization should be adopt maximum measures for batter survival of the company business and avoid aggressive strategy.

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