CS615 Assignment 1 solution fall 2018

Assignment:            Solution               Software Project Management – CS615

Question no. 1
1.    Project management team consists of different types of people starting from the team leader, professionals, experts, report writer, and many more. For a successful project implementation it is com
pulsory to have harmony among all of them, they should complement each other. If there is need of explanation, cooperation and coordination regarding work they should be willingly contributes to help other team members and friends, all these are beneficial for team work.
Answer:-  The most suitable title of the above paragraph is Esprit de corps , teaming & Management .

2.    Contrary to that there is another important aspect which says that if on one side all talented people coordinating with each other and if we have employed the technically suitable   having a great experience people in the team there could be the possibility that we have a bad gap that one or few persons who are not matching with the base, quality of the work to be done it is mandatory to replace these people as soon as possible. It’s very important for a good project manager that he/she should concentrate on and insure that there is no such element/person in the team which is responsible for the project execution. This is a type of element about which the project manager should be vigilant and up to date. Otherwise as a result of this the time frame and quality of a project could suffer and dangerously and most importantly the harmony, helping and complimenting each other within the team this element can jeopardize the whole situation around.
Answer :-    As comprising the above paragraph # 2 the best suitable title we can assign is Controlling  , Innovating &  Staffing in a HRM environment.

Question no.2
Visualize that you have an idea for a new application to develop. You mention it to a few friends to see what they think about, and everybody approves that while it sounds good in theory, there are still lots of unanswered questions. In the context of software or project management you are at the conceptualization phase of your project. You can perceive the big image in your mind, but all the particulars you will finally require are still missing. At this point you could sit down and try to plot everything you would need to do to create your application, but this is a daunting task given how much work is involved and how much you don't yet understand about your project. Rather than get bogged down, you make a few initial drawings of the application along with a few notes about how it all might hook together. As you show these around you get some feedback, and one of your friends even draws up some things on the back of a piece of paper, adding in some details you hadn't even considered.

These are the Characteristic Of Projects  as mentioned below
1.    User Need
2.    Initial Investigation
 3.   User Review
4.   System Performance Design
 5.  Candidate Review
 6.  Study Phase Report

 Best of luck 

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