**Keep visiting this page. Will update this page when i found more papers of this subject**
Today's paper of CS507
18 mcqs and 5 qstns of 3 &5 marks
MCQs were mostly from past papers...
characteristics of incremental model...3 marks
what happens when relevant information is not available to solve any task?
explain with example....3 marks
names of software were given and i have to categorize them either Office automation system or DSS...5 marks
merits and demerits of incremental model...5 marks
nd 1 or qstn tha wo yd ni.
18 mcqs and 5 qstns of 3 &5 marks
MCQs were mostly from past papers...
characteristics of incremental model...3 marks
what happens when relevant information is not available to solve any task?
explain with example....3 marks
names of software were given and i have to categorize them either Office automation system or DSS...5 marks
merits and demerits of incremental model...5 marks
nd 1 or qstn tha wo yd ni.
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