
Please read the following instructions carefully before solving & submitting assignment:

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     The assignment is submitted after due date.
     The submitted assignment does not open or file corrupt.
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Uploading instructions

Your submission must include:

     Assignment should be in  .doc or .docx format.
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     Assignment submission through email is NOT acceptable.

The objective of this assignment is
     To be able to understand Conceptual Database Design.

Your answer must follow the below given specifications.
       Font style: Times New Roman”
       Font color: Black
       Font size: 12”
       Bold for heading only.
       Font in Italic is not allowed at all.
       No formatting or bullets are allowed to use.
     Your answer should be precise and to the point, avoid irrelevant detail.

Lectures Covered: This assignment covers Lecture # 01 - 09
Your assignment must be uploaded/submitted on or before 15/05/2019.
Question Statement 

The XYZ Company aims to develop a project management software which enables its users to manage and track
projects, deadlines, schedules, and other workflow processes. It allow users to collaborate with one another. The
software would available in multi-language i.e. English, French, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Italian, Japanese
and Russian.

The primary goal of the software is to help streamline workflow and allow companies to focus on core tasks. The
managers of the system can create tasks along with discussion threads and assigned to specific users. Users can
post messages and record task progress through Discussion Threads. Managers can also able to edit tasks and set
deadlines. A complete progress can be viewed for the specific task.

You’re required to perform the following tasks according to above scenario.  

 Draw the context level diagram.
 Identify Entities, their attributes, relationships among entities in above scenario and draw Entity 
Relationship Diagram (ERD) for it. 
Note: You are required to submit Context level diagram and ERD as your solution only.


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