Visual Programing (CS411)
Assignment#01 (GRADED)
  Total marks = 20
                                                                                       Deadline Date = 18-11-2019

Please read all the instructions carefully before attempting the assignment.
You are required to create a C# application Console using Visual Studio.
Problem Statement:
You will declare a new class name as “Student” then you will perform the Operator Overloading for following binary operators:
+ operator
For this you will take
Second last digits and the last digit of your VU id as input.
For example, if your VU id is bc12345678 you will take 7 and 8.
You will write then following functions in class “student:
For + operator overloading 1st function: concatenate last two digits
Example: Your id is BC12345678
1st function 7+8=78
For * operator overloading 2nd function: take power of 2nd last digit the times last digit is
Example: your ID is BC12345678
2nd function 78=5,764,801
Note: Program must show your own VUID usage.

Submission details
Following Files Must be submitted in a single zip or rar file.
·        .C# code file (file name should be your VUID)
·        A .gif file which shows working of your Application (For Recording .gif a software named Screentogif is uploaded on LMS, or you can use any other gif recording tool as well)
You are not required to submit the complete project, only copy these three files from project folder. Please note if you submit doc file you will be awarded 0 marks.

If you do not submit any of the above-mentioned file you will be awarded 0 Marks.

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