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Use ONLY Dev-C++ IDE.
The objective
of this assignment is
To make you familiar of programming
with stack data structure.
You are required to write a program in C++
to implement Stack data structure and use this data structure to store
different types of books based on their identity number. You have to implement
Stack data structure using array. A stack is a LIFO structure in which data
elements are stored in an order such that last element pushed on the stack will
be popped up first.
Your program should cover the following
Suppose a student is collecting books and throwing
them into stack of books. You need to develop an application that will count
different books in the stack. This stack will consist of three types of books
i.e. software, hardware and other books.
You will identify book with
unique numeric identity number. If book identity number will fully dividable by
8, will consider it software book. While the number fully dividable by 5 will
consider it hardware book and consider rest of the books as other books.
First, the program will ask the
user to input size of the stack. Then the programmer will ask the user to input
total number of books. Then according to the number of Books, it will ask the
user to enter identity number for each book. The book identity number can be
any random number between 1 and 99. If book identity number is fully dividable
by 8, we will consider it software book. While the number fully dividable by 5
will consider it hardware book and consider rest of the books as other books.
Programmer should implement isFull()
function of the stack to check if the number of books exceed the size of the
stack and isEmpty() function to check if the stack is empty or not. Programmer
should also display the message “Books not found” if no books found.
Solution Guidelines:
First understand the code given in handouts about
Get stack size from user to allocate space for stack
Get identity number of books that user want to enter
into the stack.
Get value one by one and push into stack.
Don’t allow popping if stack is empty and pushing if
stack is full.
If identity number of book is dividable by 8 and 5 then
priority should be given to 8.
Lectures Covered: This
assignment covers Lecture # 1-7.
Your assignment must be uploaded/submitted at or before, 1 June 2020
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