English 101 midterm today 25 jun

mcqs 10 marks 
subjective 25 marks
Q1 Define Argument and Personal attack?5 marks
Q2 Difference b/t Imaginative and Practical writing? 5marks
Q3 Synonyms of Pail and Messy? 5 marks

Q4 What is meant by Hasty Generalization? 2 marks
Q5 prefixes of peripheral and 2nd i forgot 2 marks

26 june 2018


mcqs 10 marks
subjective 25 marks
Q1 define Argument and Personal attack.5 marks
Q2 difference between imaginative and practical writing?5 marks
Q3 what importance main idea hold in paragraph?3 marks
Q4 what is meant by Hasty Generalization?2 marks
Q5 Synonyms of Pail and Messy 5 marks
Q6 Prefixes of peripheral and 2nd i forgot. 2 marks

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