Answer no 1:

The distance education or online study is very important and plays a very crucial role in all educational system all over the world. In educational system the relation and contact of all the participants is very important and the contact between teachers and student plays a very crucial and vital part in the distance education system. If some difficulties will occur in the transmission medium i.e. sender , receiver , medium or message then the successful learning understanding of the student and instructor face problems.

Communication and establishing contact with each other is very important need of human. People cannot live without communication they have to make contacts and communicate with others. Knowing the ways of communication is very crucial for the communication process.

In this report, the two types of communication undergo discuss those are given below:
1.      Linear view communication
2.      Interactive view communication
In linear communication there is no feedback by the receiver and this is one way communication.
Interactive communication is two way communications and it focused on nonverbal communication.
Communication is vital work in all the areas of the means of communication human be socialized. People should find common points and your background by analyzing your way of communication. We have to make permanent understanding for perfect communication.

Today, by the change of technology, the advancement occurs in education in the form of e-learning or distance education. Distance education is the new change in the field of education which facilitates every participant.

Technological instrument like video audio cassette telephones and compact disk, these are very beneficial for some but this also very bad thing due to lack of communication and interact with teachers.

There are many barriers and problems faced in the distance education. This report analyses give us that the barriers in distance education:
1.      Cost motivator.
2.      Feedback and teacher contact.
3.      Student support and service.
4.      Alienation.
5.      Lack of experience.
6.      Lack of training.
On the other hand there are faculty and organizational barrier due to the lack of experience and information about their roles and activities.

There is huge difference between distance education and class based education.
First student can interact with teacher and discuss their problem face to face and now in e-learning there is no interaction and face to face contact between teacher and students.

Answer no 2:

Cash motivator:
Till now in the VU (virtual university), I see that there is less study expense then other charted university. There is no huge expense in this virtual university.

Feedback and Teacher contact:
Problem I faced in VU is that interact with teacher and feedback process. If I face some problems regarding assignment or need some help about anything else then I face problems.

Student support and services:
In Vu I see the great support by the student with other student .if I face some problems then the seniors and other student help me help me freely to solve my problem.

In some cases the student are alienation of some problems are hurdles faced in the vu study problem.

Lack of experience and training:
Most of the students are not well aware of distance education. How it can process?
Some are not aware of computer usage and online examination system. But by the training given by the institute prove very beneficial for the student those are not aware of distance education.

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