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BT201 final term
irada to ni tha share krny ka phr b kr dyti hun ..kisi ki b post py mujy mention kr dia kryn inbox to kbi kbi chk krna hota ..be happy ..pprz per k dyn or share kryn ..Allah sub ko kamyeab kry ameeen

1. Process influenced by landscape ecosystem 2 markx
2. How human nutrient enrichment effect aquatic and terrestial.ecosystem 3 marks
3. Defi e harsy weinberd principle 2 markx
4. What is optimal foraging theory 3 markx
5.cuveirs advantage 2 markx
6. Lyell's mistake in theorizing natural selection 5 markx
7. Origion of eukaryotic cells 5 markx

8. Evolution.of mutualism?mutualism of humans with other species. 10 markx.
9. Ek aur question hai 5 markx ka
Mcqs in comments
BT 201final today 11:00
1 Quinine drug used for malaria
2Carolus Linnaeus system of taxonomy
3 Horzental gene transfer.......conjunction
4 Which is not a positive interaction.....competition
5 Extension of genomics except......vaccinomics
6 Measure of water content of air.... humidity
7 Eusociality ansr tha aik mcq ka...
8evirinment  limit population growth........by changing birth ad death rate....
9 Succession in the inter tidal zone.....1 to 3 years ..10 aik mcq ka ansr ecological genomic tha..
BT 201 today 11:00 a.m
Hardy principle 2 ecosystem and landscape 2 cuvier's advantage 2 natural enrichment by human 3 optimal foraging theory 3 protozoic animal
Lyell's mistake 5
Endosymbiosis and origin of Euokaryotic cell 5
Exotic predator5
Mutualism and human 10
BT 201: Mcqs:
Food web def.
Hardy weinberg ki options thi k konsa nhi hai.
Microecology ki def
Primary succession def
Ecologist def
Primary succession in intertidal xone ka time period
Resilence def
Devekoprs of phylogeny
Field experiments k ponit pochy thy k kobsa nhi hai..
foundation specie ka tga
Intrinsic value ka ek tha
1. Succession in the intertidal zone requires 1 to 3 years.
2. Highest rates of terrestrial primary production occur under warm, moist conditions
3. The refuges that promote the persistence of hosts and prey include secure places to which the
4. exploiter has limited access.
5. The environment limits population growth by changing birth and death rates.
6. An environment in which resources are patchy also fosters clumped distributions.
7. This more complex level of social behavior, which is considered to be the pinnacle of social evolution, is called eusociality.
8. The most familiar relative measure of the water content of air is relative humidity.
9. The rate at which organisms can take in energy is limited,
10. Biosphere definition
11. In the 18th century, Carolus Linnaeus published a system of taxonomy based on
12. One of the following is not how protozoa reproduce?

Hardy-weinberg theorem
What are the processes of the ecosystem influenced by landscape structure. 2
Define Hardy-Weinberg principle. 2
How nutrient enrichment says the human is altering the aquatic and terrestrial ecosystem.? 3
Define and explain optical foraging theory 3
Lyell’s Mistake on natural selection. 3
Foraging theory? 3
Explain with example how exotic predators disturb the structure of food web. 5
How evolution of mutualism took place, how humans developed relationship with other
species. 10
cuvier’s advantage ?
endosymbionts and evolution of eukaryotes
1. Ecological Genomics Definition
2. To assemble a genome from a series of sequences requires tremendous computational power.
3. The first genome to be sequenced completely was that of Haemophilus influenzae
4. The laborious edman degradation technique has now been replaced mostly by sequencing
using mass spectrometry
5. Species differ from foundation species in they are more likely to belong to higher trophic
6. Annelids range from carnivores, herbivores, scavengers, deposit feeders, and filter feeders
7. Quinine – drug used to treat malaria
8. Modern bread wheat is a mixture of recombined genes from three different wild species
9. One of the first questions that is asked when a species is considered for whole-genome
sequencing is, what is the size of its genome?
10. Allelic richness Is the number of alleles in a sample (population),
11. On islands and habitat patches on continents, species richness increases with area and
decreases with isolation.
12. Succession in the intertidal zone requires 1 to 3 years.
13. Highest rates of terrestrial primary production occur under warm, moist conditions
14. Heterogeneity, in a community's environment, this may allow for greater species richness
because there are more distinct habitats to be occupied.
15. The refuges that promote the persistence of hosts and prey include secure places to which the
exploiter has limited access.
16. The environment limits population growth by changing birth and death rates.
17. An environment in which resources are patchy also fosters clumped distributions.
18. This more complex level of social behavior, which is considered to be the pinnacle of social
evolution, is called eusociality.
19. The most familiar relative measure of the water content of air is relative humidity.
20. The rate at which organisms can take in energy is limited,
21. Biosphere Definition
22. Multicelled algae appear as carbonaceous filaments from 1.8 billion-year-old rocks in China
23. Human is in which order: Primate
24. Maximum parsimony assumes that the tree that requires the fewest evolutionary events is
most likely.
25. In the 18th century, Carolus Linnaeus published a system of taxonomy based on
26. Oparin (1924): “Primeval soup” theory
27. Horizontal Gene Transfer
28. Positive interactions:
29. Disruptive Selection: natural selection that favors two or more extreme phenotypes are
favored over any intermediate phenotype
30. The advantages of in situ conservation is not one of following:
The species will have all the resources that it is adapted too
The species have more space
Bigger breeding populations can be kept
The species will not evolve in their environment
1. The most common extensions of genomics are EXCEPT? (Ans) vaccinomics
2. Vertebrates Make only ….. of all animal species? (ans) 5%
3. One of the following is not how protozoa reproduce?
4. Gymnosperm means? Ans naked seeds

For the Welfare of Society :)
1. Succession in the intertidal zone requires 1 to 3 years.
2.  Highest rates of terrestrial primary production occur under warm, moist conditions
3. The refuges that promote the persistence of hosts and prey include secure places to which the
4. exploiter has limited access.
5. The environment limits population growth by changing birth and death rates.
6.  An environment in which resources are patchy also fosters clumped distributions.
7. This more complex level of social behavior, which is considered to be the pinnacle of social evolution, is called eusociality.
8. The most familiar relative measure of the water content of air is relative humidity.
9. The rate at which organisms can take in energy is limited,
10.  Biosphere definition
11. In the 18th century, Carolus Linnaeus published a system of taxonomy based on
12. One of the following is not how protozoa reproduce?

Hardy-weinberg theorem
What are the processes of the ecosystem influenced by landscape structure. 2
Define Hardy-Weinberg principle. 2
How nutrient enrichment says the human is altering the aquatic and terrestrial ecosystem.? 3
 Define and explain optical foraging theory 3
 Lyell’s Mistake on natural selection. 3
Foraging theory? 3
Explain with example how exotic predators disturb the structure of food web. 5
 How evolution of mutualism took place, how humans developed relationship with other
species. 10
cuvier’s advantage ?
endosymbionts and evolution of eukaryotes

best of luck (Y)

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