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Zoo501 mcqs
1.Modes of commitment
2.due to ------ in hydrogen ions,pH rises.
3.acrosomal vesicle has ------- around it.
4.as a result of gastrulation,ectoderm, mesoderm and ___ is formed.
5.male leopard ------- make their sperm in summer.
6.__ is step for gene expression regulation.
7.coding regions of DNA
8.how many domains are present for transcription
9.pdx1 is present in ---------
10.bacteria transmit genes from one cell to other by.......

11.cells rearrange their ------- to create new immunoglobin
12.sea urchins contain.......mRNA
13.in many species,sperm are attracted towards eggs by---------
14.acrosomal protein mediating recognition by protein-------
15.sea water has ------ sodium ion conc.
16eggs have ------- sparced yolk are icolecithel
17.cytoplasm of blastodisc become embro this meroblastic division called.....
18.___ constitute major signalling centre
19.osteoblasts secrete collagen proteoglycan _
20.Tgf beta family secreted from the surface____ and roof of neural tube
21.dendrites are numerous and do not extend far from the neuronal cell body or____
22.one agent of ventral specification is------- hedgegog protein
23.in frogs and chicks,__ nueralation is seen in neural tube
24.the cells at dorsal most portion of neural tube become ___
25.about __% of identical twins have two complete and separate chorions
26.mammals undergo holoblastic ___ cleavage
27.in birds,___ is critical in determining anterior posterior axis
28.decidua becomes rich in blood vessels that will provide__ and nutrients to embryo
29.mamalian oocyte is released from ovary and swept by fimbriae into......
30.fertilization in chick egg occur in.....

Composition of eukaryotic genes.2
Ways of formation of neural tube.2
What happen when blastomeres are removed from conditional specification.3
Function of mucopolysaccharide.3
Differentiate mantle and ventricular zone.3
Strategies of mode of commitment.5
Functions of placenta.5
How secondary hypoblast is formed in avian embryo.5
Defects in neurulation.10

Composition of eukaryotic genes.2
Ways of formation of neural tube.2
What happen when blastomeres are removed from conditional specification.3
Function of mucopolysaccharide.3
Differentiate mantle and ventricular zone.3
Strategies of mode of commitment.5
Functions of placenta.5
How secondary hypoblast is formed in avian embryo.5
Defects in neurulation.10

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