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120 min paper time (40 MCQs , Short & Long Question 12)
40 MCQs from chapter set+matrices+trigonometric+last chapters 35to45
Question short and long total 12
Find Slope (2.1),(3,1)

Find Quartile equeation
Find Arithmetic mean
Find standard deviation
1+tan0 / 1+cot0 = tan0
sin1/2 so sinarc -180<0<180 find all sin value

MTH 100
pythagorean identities........... 3 marks.......trignomatric identities....2 marks......find exact value of 210....5 marks....find 25th percentile....2 marks...find slope  perpendicular, parallel  of 2x+3y=21      and 3x-2y=18       ..... 3 marks....find frequency if frequency density is=0.6 and class width is 12.....3 marks....

find percentile of 25th.... 3 marks
1: Find standard deviation of 35,42,47,29,41,45,52,37,59,62,27...5 marks

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