vu virtual university new papers mid fall 2018
**Keep visiting this page. Will update this page when i found more papers of this subject**
Today paper of bt501 health biotechnology (mid term)
Total Q 26 (40 marks)
20 mcqs (7 from quiz)
4 short Q (2 and 3 marks)
1. What is CFTR?
2. Names of rDNA technology?

3. What is autologous stem cells?
4. Short note on Alzheimer disease?
2 long Q (5 marks)
Write note on human genome project?
RF disorders in detail?


Bt501recent papers 22 December 2018
What is Cftr ? 2 marks
Autologous or allogenic stem cell ? 3 marks
Alzehmir disorder ? 3 marks
rDNA Technologies ? 3 marks
Human genome project ? 5 marks
Autosomal recessive disorder ? 5 marks
Today paper of bt501 health biotechnology (mid term)
Total Q 26 (40 marks)
20 mcqs (7 from quiz)
4 short Q (2 and 3 marks)
1. What is CFTR?
2. Names of rDNA technology?
3. What is autologous stem cells?
4. Short note on Alzheimer disease?
2 long Q (5 marks)
Write note on human genome project?
RF disorders in detail?
Bt501 12:00

What is CFTR? 2
What is tissue engineering? 2
Note on Alzheimer's disease 3
Difference btw allogenic and autologus stem cells? 3

With a note on human genome project? 5
Write a note on AR ( autosomal recessive disorder) 5

Mcqs were most dates like when was vaccine discovered etc or percentage of children having Alzheimer's disorder, mb of yeast, no of genes in human etc
Today paper of bt501 health biotechnology (mid term)
Total Q 26 (40 marks)
20 mcqs (7 from quiz)
4 short Q (2 and 3 marks)
1. What is CFTR?
2. Names of rDNA technology?
3. What is autologous stem cells?
4. Short note on Alzheimer disease?
2 long Q (5 marks)
Write note on human genome project?
Autosomal ressesive disorders in detail?

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