**Don't relay on my solution. Make changes before upload. I will not be responsible for your marks.**
Please read the following instructions carefully before submitting
It should be clear that your assignment will
not get any credit if:
Assignment is submitted after due date.
Submitted assignment does not open or file is corrupt.
Assignment is copied (From internet/ from other students).
Assignment submitted in file format other than .cpp
Software allowed to develop Assignment
Dev C++
Student will be able to analyze
and implement the concepts of:
- Bitwise
- Class
and objects
- Getter
and Setter functions of the class
- Constructor
Assignment Submission Instructions
You have to submit only.cpp
file on the Assignments interface of CS201 at VULMS. Assignment submitted in
any other format will not be accepted and will be graded zero marks.
Write a C++ program that will
create a class named personalPassword.
This class will have two data
password of
character type
character type pointer passptr
The personalPassword class will have the following member functions:
The default constructor
setter and getter functions for the password
passEncrpyt() which convert the user entered
password into encrypted form
passDcrpyt() which convert back the encrypted password
into the original password
Default constructor will
initialize all data members with default values. The message “Default
constructor called… and the default value of each data member should be
displayed whenever an object will be created using default constructor.(See the
sample output)
In main() function, create an object of class personalPassword
by using the default constructor.
With the help of setter function, first
you will set value of password and then with the help of getter function, you will
display the actual password.
Then call the passEncrpyt and
passDcrpyt function in order to display the password in encrypted and decrypted
form respectively.
must be uploaded on or before January 24, 2019. NO solution will be
accepted via email after the due date.
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