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It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit (marks) if:
Ø  The assignment is submitted after due date.
Ø  The submitted assignment file is not in .doc or .docx format.
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Ø  The assignment is copied (from other student or ditto copy from handouts or internet).
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Ø  Do not wait for grace day. Grace Day is given only if there is problem with LMS on due date. Submit your solution within due date.
Ø  Note that no assignment will be accepted through email if there is any problem in LMS on grace day.

The objective of this assignment is

o   To get hands on practice of constructing frequency table and Huffman encoding tree.

For any query about the assignment, contact at cs301@vu.edu.pk

Question: Consider the following string saved into a string type variable. We want to send it over the network to another computer. Use the given string and answer (solve) the questions given below.
String: “I love to study data structures”.
1.         Build frequency table and Huffman encoding tree.                                                   Marks [5 + 10]
Calculate how much bits are consumed by original and compressed strings. What percentage of bits is saved by Huffman encoding scheme?                                                                      Marks [5]  


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