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Please read the following instructions carefully before submitting assignment:
§  You should submit your assignment before or on due date on VULMS.
§  Your assignment should be in your own words. It should not be copied from internet, handouts or books.
§  Your Assignment must be in Microsoft Word document. Assignment in other than .doc file will not be accepted.
§  Assignment sent via Email will not be accepted.
§  If the submitted assignment does not open or file is corrupt, it will be awarded with zero marks.
·         To improve the learning ability of students.

·         To hands on experience of developing architectural views.

Question:                                                                                                                                   Marks 10    

Krutchen proposes the development of 5 main views. As you are well aware with the use case view, which uses selected use cases or scenarios.  Logical view is the object model of the design and the physical view documents the mapping(s) of the software onto the hardware and reflects its distributed aspect.

You are required to develop “Logical and Physical View” by considering the below given scenario of first assignment (and solution uploaded on LMS). Your work comprises of the following activities:

1)      Identify the suitable components, related users and rationale in “Logical View” and fill up the Table given below.                                                                                                    5 Marks
(Note: You can get information by drawing the Class diagram of the given scenario, but, this isn’t required and graded. We will grade only the  information given in the table)

2)      Also identify the components, users and rationale in “Physical View”.                       5 Marks


Assignment 1 (Scenario)
“In every sport and game we have to calculate score.  We want to design a software system for score management. Score management system will record all game scores separately. Score will be stored and display on TV score bar, website, mobile app (android and iPhone) and send to subscribers through SMS automatically. There are many cameras and sensors in ground field. Score management system utilizes these sensors to record score/activities automatically; system will record these statistics in database. Sensors work and available all the time. These sensors extract score related information from the field and send it to the score management application. Score management system will infer and declare a valid score and adds up to the already existing scores. These sensors also assist umpires in different decision makings. This Score management system will have all players profile with their career. It should have current match statistics as well as concerned game history.
A user will register him/her on website of mob application. The user can choose category and check score board of selected category. The admin will login into system. He will manage activities of system and users such as check sensor, mange players profile and manage subscriptions etc.”

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