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§  The assignment is submitted after due date.
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The objectives of this assignment is:

  • To make you enable to understand real world scenario and implement it into computer program.
  • To give you the idea of practical implementation of some concepts like, Hierarchy of Inheritance, Types of Inheritance, Private Inheritance, Protected Inheritance and Specialization (Restriction) etc.
Problem Statement
Write a program containing three classes Person, Student, and Exam for an Examination database using Inheritance. Class Person is the base class, Student is the intermediate base class, and Exam is the derived class. The Student class should inherit the properties of Person class whereas, the Exam class should inherit the properties of Student class (directly) and properties of Person class (indirectly). Implement the model shown in figure using the following hints.
Data Members
Person Class: Name, Gender, Age
Student Class: RollNo, Subject
Exam Class: Sub1Marks, Sub2Marks
Member Functions
You are required to write the following member functions for all three classes:

Note: You are required to submit your assignment solution in .CPP format.

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