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·         The objective of this assignment is to provide hands on experience of:
·         To learn and understand the basic concept of an Operating System

·         To learn Directory Structure of Operating System
The following figure shows the directory structure in a UNIX/Linux system. Suppose, user Hassan has a subdirectory named courses under his home directory. This directory contains subdirectories for the courses that he has taken i.e. (CS401 and CS604).

If hassan is currently in the courses directory than write the UNIX/Linux commands to perform following operations.

1.      How he can navigate back to his home directory?
2.      How he can navigate to his personal directory?
3.      How he can navigate to the directory for cs604 course?
4.      Right after the login, how he can display names of files and directories in his home directory?
5.      How he can create a new directory named programs under cs604 directory?

Question No 02                                                                                 10 marks

The following table contains the list of operations based on important directories in the Linux operating system; you are required to mention the directory names used in Linux operating system against each desired output operation.

Sr #
List of Operations
To contain the devices available to Linux

Used for mounting temporary file systems

To store system configuration files

For the storage of large applications packages

To store shared libraries and kernel modules

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