Assignment No. 01
Semester: Fall 2019
CS601: Data Communication Total
Marks: 20
Due Date: 14/11/2019
Please read the following instructions carefully before
submitting assignment:
You need to use MS word document to prepare and submit the
assignment on VU-LMS.
It should be clear that your assignment will not get any
credit if:
The assignment is submitted after due date.
The assignment is not in the required format (doc or docx)
The submitted assignment does not open or file is corrupt.
Assignment is copied (partial or full) from any source
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The objective of this assignment is to enhance the learning
capabilities of the students about:
Types of Networks
Network Topologies
OSI model layers
Question No. 1
Suppose a university has two computer network sections named
as “Admin” and “Faculty”. Admin section is comprised of 13 computers which are
directly connected with each other to provide efficient communication among
computers whereas the “Faculty” section contains 20 computers which are
connected through an intelligent central device. To attend an online conference
being held in another country, the network administrator has established an
online video link in the faculty section.
The conference chair has sent an image of conference agenda to the
network administrator for sharing with all faculty members.
Considering the above-mentioned scenario, you are required
Identify the type of network topology used in the Admin
Write the number of links required for the identified
topology for Admin section. (You need to write all steps of calculation).
Write the total number of ports required for identified
topology for Admin section?
Identify the type of network, linking computer of faculty
section with the computer of conference chair through video conference.
Identify the type of network topology used in computer
network of Faculty section.
Mention the name of intelligent device used for connecting
computers of Faculty Section.
Calculate the maximum number of different colors that can be
represented, if the image sent by conference chair is a colored image using
24-bits to represent a single pixel.
(You are required to perform all steps of calculation).
Question No. 2
Following table contains some layers of OSI mode along with
some information associated with each layer. However, the information given in
column B is not matching with column A. You are required to carefully analyze
both the columns and write correct information associated with each layer in
column C:
Best of Luck!
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