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Paper 1:
mcqs almost 30 from past
draw spanning tree,
why kanpsack call 0/1,
three matrices was given we have to calculate values and tell which one is best,
what is vertics and edges
activity selection
draw adjancy list from given graph
from dijkstra,floyd nd karskal which one allow negtve edge nd ngtve cycle..
from given list tell there is loop or not nd also tell the property.
mcqs almost 30 from past
draw spanning tree,
why kanpsack call 0/1,
three matrices was given we have to calculate values and tell which one is best,
what is vertics and edges
activity selection
draw adjancy list from given graph
from dijkstra,floyd nd karskal which one allow negtve edge nd ngtve cycle..
from given list tell there is loop or not nd also tell the property.
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