Please read the following instructions carefully before solving & submitting assignment:


Uploading Instructions:

·         You are not allowed to use any compiler or interpreter for this assignment.

·         You can use Notepad or any other text editor (like Sublime Text, Atom, VS Code etc.) to complete this  code.

·         After completion, copy all the code; it must be a simple text, which should not contain any format or style and paste in a word file or with format of .doc, .docx.

·         Upload it on VULMS at assignment section and click on submit button within due date.

·         After upload, make sure the submitted code is properly visible and in readable form.

·         No assignment will be accepted through email.


Rules for Marking:

It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:


o   The assignment is submitted after due date.

o   The assignment is not submitted in proper format (i.e. simple text, without any format/style).

o   The assignment is fully or partially copied from other student or ditto copy from handouts or Internet; strict disciplinary action will be taken in this case.

o   The submitted code is not readable; during evaluation, submitted code will be checked by using simple text editor. If code is not readable due to wrong format or style then ZERO marks will be awarded and no excuse will be accepted in this regard.



Note: Do not put any query on MDB regarding this assignment, if you have any query then email at

Lectures Covered: This assignment covers Lecture # 1 - 8




Problem Statement:

The following code snippet contains some conditional (nested if else /else if based) statements. Which are difficult to understand as they do not contain any starting or ending keywords against each statement. You, being a programming language expert, are required to put "then" and "end if/else/else if" at appropriate places to get the desired result.


Code Snippet:

At start, x contains 100 (i.e. x = 100)



if (x > 50)

     x = x * 5;

 }if (x > 200){

     x = x - 200;

     }if (x > 350){

          x = x - 150;


              x = x + 150;


          if (x > 400){

              x = x - 150;

           }if (x < 500){    

              x = x + 150;

             }if (x == 500){

                   x = x + 200;

                    }else if (x > 400){

                    x = x - 100;

                    }else if (x < 650){

                         x = x + 100;


                    x = x * 5;      



At end, x contains 350.


This is a language-free code, which does not require any specific programming language to compile or execute. You are simply required to guess the flow of execution on the basis of value of x and put "then" and "end if/else/else if" at appropriate places (see the hint given below). Furthermore, you can also add extra lines or spaces in your solution as well.

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